Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2015

kata kata motivasi berhasa inggris

kata kata motivasi
  • Happy people is not a great man in every way, but one that can find simple things in life and give thanks diligent.
  • Life is like a piano, white and black. If God play it, all will be a beautiful melody.

  •  Good friends who will not judge each other.

  • Life is a game with obstacles encountered and when there is a chance, we have to seize it.

  •  Prudence in judging other people’s opinions is the hallmark of mental maturity.

  • Real power does not hit hard, but right to the target.

  • Do not judge a person from what he is doing, because you also have to know the          reason why he is did it.
  •  Only the man who is in the truth is a free man.
  •  Every dark night is always followed by a beautiful morning.

  •  You do not live at once. You only die once and live every day.

  • You will never know the true answer, before you try.

  •  Tranquility can be found when we are with God.

  •  If you want the respect of others, then respect yourself first.

  •   Nothing is impossible. Anything can happen as long as we believe.

  • Do not blame your past, because the past will never change.

  •  Be the good, because God likes goodness.

  • The more we are grateful, the more happiness we get.

  •  Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

  • Courage is not the absence of fear. Brave man is not a man who no feel afraid, but he who succeeded in the face of fear.

  • All people have lots of ways to tell stories, and have a different story to tell.

  •  The most powerful people are the people who trust and rely on God himself.

  •  Do not consider ourselves not able to before trying, learning, and practice.

  •       No need trying to be other people. Therefore, you are special and better than them.

  •  Do not mind those who are trying to bring you down. They do it because they have to be below you.
  •            No one has the ability to do something perfect. But each person is given a lot of opportunity to do something right.

  •  Do not waste today worrying about tomorrow . The Mountain feels flat when we goes to peak.

 The happiness will come when you are able to make other happy.

  • Our life is very difficult, but there are millions of more difficult life out there.

  •  Every Trouble is your best friend. He makes you stronger and more understanding about life.

  • Complaining will not solve the problem. Stop complaining and act immediately!

  •  There is a moment to talk and there is a moment to be silent.

  • God’s plan is always more beautiful than our desire.

  • If you want to get something you’ve never own, then you must do something you’ve never done before.
  •  No one can change the past, but everyone has a power to change the future.

  •  Dreaming is the first step that you have to make. While, the act is the next step that you have to do.

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